Being pregnant has many ups and downs. The excitement of expecting a new little one into your family is certainly an ‘up’! And while many pregnant women enjoy the whole nine months pregnancy, it definitely comes with its sacrifices as well.
The morning sickness, back pain, expanding belly, frequent bathroom trips, and limited diet are just a few of the things that make it feel a whole lot longer. It’s worth it in the end, once you’re holding your beautiful new baby, but it doesn’t mean it’s always a beautiful, easy process!
Speaking of beautiful…
Feeling Beautiful During Pregnancy
You’ve heard of the pregnancy glow? Of course, you have!
It may come as a surprise to you, but many women don’t feel they ever get their ‘glow’. While some women go through pregnancy feeling more beautiful and feminine than ever, there are others (me included) who feel a little less-fetching, as their belly expands and the aches take over.
You’re growing out of your normal clothing, forcing you to opt for maternity-wear you may love (or not!). Hormones are messing with your skin, leading to either dry or acne-prone skin. Oh, and a lack of energy or ability may keep you from some of your normal beauty regimes, i.e. painting toenails has never been harder!
So if you’re one of the women who feel they’ve lost their ‘glow’, there is hope!
Self-Tanning While Pregnant
Many people feel they look healthier and feel more attractive when they have a tan. A little bit of color can help you avoid looking washed-out and will even out your complexion.
Heading to the beach or sitting out by the pool may be out of the question. Whether it’s not an optimal time of year for sunbathing, or you’re not wanting to look at swimsuits in your current condition, there is an alternative you might prefer: self-tanning!
The use of self-tanning products may be just the option you need to get the glow you’re looking for during pregnancy. Lotions are generally easy-to-apply, especially with the use of tanning applicators. There are many self-tanning options out there that are natural and generally considered safe for external use during pregnancy.
If you’re not up for trying to reach those hard-to-get-to areas while you’re pregnant, you may consider opting for a spray tan instead.
Spray-tanning is one of the most popular tanning methods for several reasons. Spray-tanning, especially at a salon, is the fastest and easiest way to get instant color. It is generally considered safer than sitting in the sun or under UV tanning lights. And when you prep before your spray tan, it can last up to a week before needing a touch-up!
Is Spray-Tanning Safe During Pregnancy?
When you’re pregnant, you’re always wondering what you can and can’t eat, what you can and can’t do. For instance, you should pass on that rare steak and raw sushi, and don’t even think of going on a roller coaster!
It’s always a tough call when asking about anything being safe while pregnant. Asking Dr. Google will get you many mixed answers, so it can leave you feeling more confused than ever. But don’t worry, we’ve got the answer you’ve come here for:
“Can you spray tan while pregnant?”
Yes, you can!
When I was pregnant with my 5th, I asked my OB-GYN about spray-tanning. Her immediate response was, “Sure, if you want to!”
She did follow up her answer with a disclaimer that led to another question.
“What’s in spray tanner and is it safe?”
Spray-tanners are generally considered safe during pregnancy, although you might get mixed answers about these as well.
If you know anything about the largest organ, your skin, then you would know that the skin absorbs 60% of the products that you apply to it. So it may be safe to assume that your skin absorbs some of the spray-tan and the chemicals that lie within it.
There are chemicals in spray tan products, like DHA, and it’s not yet clear how the chemicals affect your body over extended use. Proper tests have not been done to determine the safety of DHA. Since there have not been any reports of serious injuries or health conditions caused by the DHA in spray-tanners, it is “assumed safe”.
For a more thorough discussion of the safety of spray-tanning, check out: Is Spray Tanning Safe? Every Spray Tanning Concern Answered.
“Can I use a spray-tan booth while pregnant?”
Spray-tanning can be done at home or at the salon, both of which have their pros and cons. Ultimately, it is all a matter of preference and what you feel okay with.
Visiting a tanning salon and going into a spray-tan booth is easy and fast, and gives you a flawless, streak-free tan. Countless women have gotten their ‘glow’ on at the tanning salon with no apparent side-effects. With that said, it’s hard to stand in a spray-tan booth and not inhale the tanning formula mist it produces. Inhaling these chemicals could have unknown risks, so opting for an at-home spray tan may be preferred.
The main benefit of at-home spray tanning is that you have the freedom to choose the products you use on your skin. While application won’t be as fast or easy as the spray-tanning booth, you can choose an organic spray tan formula that uses natural ingredients to better nourish your skin.
Consult Your Doctor Before Tanning
If you’ve done your research and have decided there is little to no risk for you and your baby, then go ahead. If you want to be extra careful, consult with your own doctor before you step into any spray-tan booth.
It is important that when you are pregnant and have questions as to whether or not something is safe for you and baby, you consult your midwife or OB-GYN. They are the ones who will know best what you should and shouldn’t do. They have likely even answered these questions for other expectant mothers in the past. Trust your medical professionals with all of your questions and concerns; that is what they are there for!