The tanning trend is about as popular among men as it is among women. What has fueled this craze further is the images of bronzed, tanned men in billboards, movies, televisions shows, and other media portrayals.
The “tall, dark, and handsome” ideal for men makes tanning all the more appealing. The problem is finding the time to get a great tan. Many men don’t want to devote hours to sun tanning or getting prepared to lay in a tanning bed. That’s what makes spray tanning so appealing. It’s quick, it lasts a fairly long time, and it’s easy.
Can I Just Get a Natural Outdoor Tan?
Men who spend lots of time outdoors already have a natural-looking tan (for instance, the “farmer’s tan”). Surfers, athletes, swimmers, or those who spend a lot of time working outside have the advantage of that natural bronzed look that a lot of others aspire to achieve.
However, if you get a tan while working, then chances are it isn’t very even. Even with a natural tan, you might consider a spray tan on your legs, upper arms, back, and chest to blend it in with your natural tan.
That said, there are risks involved in overexposure to the sun. Staying under the sun for too long (especially if the skin is not adequately protected) can cause damage such as wrinkles and dehydration, or even skin cancer.
Can I Use Tanning Beds?
There is no specific rule against men using tanning beds at local salons. If you have no qualms about it, tanning beds are an alternative if you want to achieve that tan but you do not have a lot of time to hit the beach to soak up the sun. You do need to be careful not to overdo it; the UV rays emitted by tanning beds can damage your skin if you do it excessively.
Do Men Get Spray Tans?
Absolutely! They might not admit it, but having worked in the industry and being in contact with people who still work in the industry, yes, men get spray tans. We get businessmen who want to impress clients, bodybuilders who want to look their best (and will never admit to stepping foot in a tanning salon), and regular dads who just want to look their best for their wives.
There is no “type” when it comes to tanning. People want to look their best, and if tanning is part of that definition, then yes, they do it.
Spray Tan Tips for Guys
Professional spray tanning is a more convenient option for the contemporary man who wants that youthful, glowing bronze complexion. Spray tanning booths are common in most tanning salon locations.
The pricing for spray tans can vary greatly, so we suggest calling your local salons to get accurate pricing. If you want general pricing, then be sure to read “how much is a spray tan?“
All you have to do is step inside the booth and wait for the spray mist to be applied evenly throughout your body. If you’re concerned about the safety of spray tans, then make sure you read “Is Spray Tanning Safe?“
Here are some spray tan tips for men to remember before getting a spray tan:
Make sure your skin is prepared by exfoliating
Preparing the skin for a spray tanning session involves showering and exfoliating beforehand. Check out our best pre-tan exfoliators list if you need some ideas. Since it is not recommended to shower for a few hours after your spray tan, you have to get cleaned up prior to the session. Exfoliating, meanwhile, removes dead skin cells from the top layer of skin; this makes the tanning spray more absorbable and results in a more even tan.
What do guys wear to spray tan?
Before you leave the house, you should consider what to wear to your spray tan. It really comes down to your comfort level. You can wear swim shorts, a speedo, or a thong. If you’re being seen by a tanning technician, then I would suggest calling them to find out their preferences. We want everyone to be comfortable!
If you’re in an unattended spray tanning booth, then you are likely allowed to do it in the buff, but it’s worth noting that not many studies have been performed on how safe the solution is on your southern region. If you have any concerns about your spray tanning safety, then it might be best to use disposable tanning underwear.
Many tanning establishments provide you with disposable underwear which you can wear during the spray tanning session. The DHA content in spray tan solutions have been known to react with wool, linen, and silk, so avoid clothing made from those fabrics. Wear something light (swimwear is usually a good choice), and make sure you wear light-weight, dark-colored clothing afterward.
Can I get a spray tan with a beard?
Absolutely. Some of the spray tan solution will pass through the beard and get on the skin under it. Some will collect and bead a bit in the beard, but it has never caused an issue with clients. It is possible that it might bead a bit, and cause some minor dotting or blotches, but unless the technician was especially heavy-handed with the application, it is won’t be noticeable at all.
Do guys have to shave before getting a spray tan?
While it certainly isn’t required, some men might prefer it. The spray tan solution will pass through your beard, and leg hair and get on your skin, but it is possible that some of the solution may bead, and cause minor dotting or blotching. I’ve not had anyone complain, but it’s possible.
If you are at all concerned about this, then shave a few hours before your spray tanning session. If you’re going to shave, it’s important to do it before your session. Shaving too soon after a spray tan session can interfere with the darkening process. Shaving also removes some dead skin, which means that your spray tan won’t last as long.
Read: How to get your spray tan last longer.
Should I shave my legs before a spray tan?
While some men might prefer it, it isn’t required. The spray tan solution will mist past your leg hair and get onto your legs. Some may slightly bead on your leg hair, but this won’t affect the tan.
Spray Tan Shower Rules
If the spray tan is exposed to water too soon, it can cause ugly streaks and uneven spots. Wait at least 8 hours before you shower or swim. You should not hit the gym or be involved in other excessively physical activities that can cause sweating either.
Spray Tan for Guys Wrap-up
It might still seem a little taboo, but don’t let that hold you back. More guys get spray tans than you think. If you’re truly nervous, just stop by a tanning salon after work and see who’s going in and coming out. Chances are, it’ll shatter any preconceived ideas you might have had about who actually gets spray tans.
If you think a spray tan will help you feel the best you can about yourself, then you owe it to yourself to give it a try. Don’t let some simple questions hold you back. If you don’t love the result, it’s only temporary. If you really don’t like it, then you can always try removing the spray tan. But if you love it, then you’ll wonder why you delayed so long. So, what are you waiting for?
Know any spray tan tips for men that we missed? Contact us and let us know!